Monday, April 14, 2008

Beer and Eggs

Aww, man! I was so good this past March, making updates almost every few days. But it looks like I slipped up in the end and let weeks past without making an effort to post. But I have lots of things to share with you, so lets get on with it now.

A few weeks ago it was Easter weekend and my younger brother's 25th birthday. I spent most of Saturday brainstorming a good gift as it was a last minute decision to doing something funny instead of buying something typical at the local Sharper Image (I save that excuse for Christmas). I took note that our apartment complex held a mini Easter egg hunt for the little ones that live here. So I decided to make him an easter basket with beer, eggs and chocolate. Sounds yum, right?

Freshly boiled and dyed ("Chowder" inspired) sassy easter eggs

Some more sassy looking eggs prepared for my cousins.

The Easter beer and eggs basket

Havin' some mango n' fruit birthday cake at Krung Thai

The beer is the boyfriend's favorite local brew "Anchor Steam" that we had picked up the other day at BevMo and he swears by the stuff (it's also good stuff to cook with). The rest was either picked up at Target which was ground zero for Easter madness and home made goodies (I try to be crafty and imaginative). I spent Saturday afternoon boiling boring old eggs and transforming them into totally "kawaii" Chowder-style eggs. I painted their faces with non-toxic paint Sunday morning so as to NOT poison everyone that would eventually eat them.

Before leaving for easter dinner at Krung Thai in San Jose, we had to pick up 2 birthday cakes (one for my bro and one for my sister's bf who had his birthday that Friday) at my mom's newest favorite bakery Sheng Kee in Daly City. I must admit that the boyfriend and I have become smitten with their delicious cakes as well and attempt to sabotage others by trying to get them hooked on the "cakey" goodness. We arrived late to the party but had enough time to gorge on very good thai food, afterwards we all had a generous slice of the mango mousse cake my brother was given. Unfortunately, we were way too stuffed to try out the peach mousse (but you can see it near the upper left corner in the last pic). We presented my brother with his birthday present after the meal and I "think" he liked it. I'm not sure if he realized that he got another "beer" present from me, but at least he also got eggs and chocolate out of the deal.

And that's how I spent my Easter weekend. I hope you peeps had a good one.
