Monday, March 17, 2008

Sweet rolls for your tum tum...

*gasp* 2 posts in 1 day!

I made my first batch of homemade cinnamon rolls from an Alton Brown recipe. I was watching an episode of Good Eats (awesome show by the way) last month titled "House of the Rising Bun". Basically, teaching me a fool proof method of overnight risen dough. First of all I'm not a baker, I've found baking tedious and unnecessary. I prefer to leave it to the professionals as once the thing is baked you can't alter the ingredients. I studied the recipe for a while before attempting to make the cinnamon rolls as the directions require 2 days of prep time (and that's before putting it in the oven).

Fresh from the oven, cooling on the stove

Close-up of a GND (golden & delicious) unglazed roll.

At this point, I had to let the whole thing cool down to room temp (the boyfriend cried torture) before I attempt to glaze it with the cream cheese icing that was included in the cinnamon roll recipe. I turned them upside down so that I glazed the caramelized bottoms (that way there was only one messy side to tangle with).

Glazed cinnamon roll *drool*

Did someone sneeze on my roll? Or worse... D: ? As you can see the icing turned out a little runny but I purposefully added more cream cheese to the mixture. 

Alton Brown's Good Eats show format has helped me better understand why I cook the way I do and introduced me to new ways of cooking. It's a fun and informative show done in a unique style that reminds me of my other favorite, Mythbusters. It can be found on the Food Network channel on most weeknights, which means there is a chance you might see Rachael Ray (you've been warned).

Recipe available here.