Thursday, February 7, 2008

From out of the shadows...

*Tah-dah* (makes slightly awkward entrance)

I'm back! Mainly to apologize for my lack of postings and general neglect of my stupid Blog. 

"I apologize"

I've devoted myself mainly to Twitter because I wouldn't have to commit to a well thought out, succinct or coherent blog post. I've found out that I can state my opinion in less than 200 characters per post. And I've found that strangely satisfying. And it has been apparent that some people delight in reading small snippets of my wild and woolly adventures... in the bathroom.

But, I'm drifting from the original intent of this post. I felt I should come back and occasionally type things out in fully fleshed out paragraphs with punctuation, indents and capital letters. If I don't actually practice what is quickly disappearing from age-addled brain; it will all wither away and be carried off on the cruel winds of time.

I've also found it amusing that my post from last fall generally applies to all our recent weather woes (that's how long I've been gone). I'm sure it will apply as we continue to weather our monsoon season.