Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Halloween Revisited Part: Deux

*phew* I'm getting winded from all this traveling. I don't know about you but I'm gonna need a break soon.

The last bit of our Halloween was one of the most fun events we did during this holiday. We had volunteered our Sunday to help host the booth for our greyhound rescue group at the 2007 Pet Pride Day. Pride Day is basically a Halloween event for rescue groups and the San Francisco Animal Control. We got to hang out with our group coordinator, Candy and her husband, The Eriksens, the family who adopted Fisher to us a year ago and some new adopters whose names are escaping me right now. If you look close you can see pumpkin covered treat bags with biscuits I baked the night before.

For the past 4 years we always attended with our dog Taylor dressed as one of his favorite foods (pumpkin, fish, lamb, etc) that year we brought back the fish costume and entered him in the contest. That year was Fisher's first Pride Day so he didn't dress up, as he was relegated to booth greeter to get him accustomed to large groups of dogs and people.

That was him before he was "shamed" publicly. When it came time to call out the short list of costumed dogs, Taylor was chosen to walk onstage in his "Catch of the Day" outfit. There were lots of really well-made and clever costumes. And every year there is always a bias in judging in favor of small dogs (since Taylor is 14 lbs. we always thought he could be a serious contender, but 4 years running...).

There was this guy who had his poodle mix play as his mop (clever). A woman had her 3 chihuahuas dressed up as a meal of 3 lobsters (very cute). There is one chihuahua, Martini that has beaten us for the past 2 years. Last year she won over everyone dressed up as a tiny Playboy bunny with a tiny red wig and a tiny martini with a teeny olive tied to her back (so cute I puke). This year she decides to shut us out with a stunning Marie Antoinette costume (if you look close her cheeks are blushed, Kawaii!)


Every year we end up posing for pet fashion bloggers (a lot of them are from Japanese magazines, what's up with that). And this year wasn't any different with people asking to take pics of the dogs (makes us feel like we're at some kind of con). The day ran long with all the events and demos that were being held. By the end of the day the dogs were tired and cranky (especially Fisher who basically had enough of the whole thing and wanted to flop on his bed at home). We went home with another loss under our belt but felt good about helping out our rescue group and maybe finding homes for more greyhounds. 

Can't wait for this years Pet Pride Day. I think Taylor should go as a piece of chocolate or a steak. What do you think?
